Ink Blossoms

A Tokyo Revengers AU
(No gangs, modern setting)


  • Haru starts taking private tutoring cello classes at Baji's house. Occasionally sees Mikey coming over after/during classes, him and Baji grew up together and are childhood friends. Years later Haru gets properly introduced to Mikey.

  • Kisaki and Hina go to the same school, they become childhood friends.

  • Hanma's family moves in Kisaki neighborhood, they live relatively close and become childhood friends.

  • Hina meets Takemichi in middle school and they start dating.

  • Shin, Waka and Benkei open their brewery-pub.


  • In 2006 Mikey meets Draken for the first time. In 2009 they start working together.

  • Baji and Haru meet Chifuyu in highschool, they become friends. In 2007 Haru and Fuyu start dating, they'll break up two years later remaining in good terms.

  • While in highschool, Kakucho meets Izana for the first time in a bookshop where he worked. They become friends and in 2009, when Izana decides to start traveling around the world collecting rareties, Kakucho joins him. They get closer, when Izana opens his own bookshop in 2012 Kakucho asks to stay at his side. They'll start dating a couple of years later.

  • In 2008 Koko and Inupi meet at the Tsuji Institute of Patisserie, sharing the same apartment in Osaka. Three years later, after graduation, Koko travels to Lyon to go abroad in Tsuji's French school for a 5 months long advanced course. Inupi, instead, goes back to Tokyo.

  • Naoto gets to know Kisaki through his sister, they mutual pine for a couple of years. In 2010 Naoto makes the first move confessing, they start dating. They'll break up and get back together a couple of times, parting ways for good after a year and half (hating the shit out of eachother)

  • In 2011 Haru starts working as Mikey's cellist. Around the same period he meets Mucho for the first time.

  • In 2012 Baji meets Tora for the first time.

  • In late 2012 Inupi opens his own bakery. Koko gets hired after applying to his job advertisement.



  • Ran and Rin open their club.

  • Ryusei moves in Tokyo.

  • Hanma opens his flower shop.

  • Takemichi starts teaching.

  • Pretty much everyone meets everyone through the year.


  • Mikey and Draken start officially dating.

  • Chifuyu starts working as apprentice in various tattoo studios.

  • Kisaki opens his bar.

  • Naoto starts working as librarian.

  • Nahoya opens his hair saloon.

  • Baji and Tora start dating. Later that same year they open their art studio.



  • Koko and Inupi have the "What are we?" talk. They officialize their relationship few months later.

  • Gold Stripes (fanfic)

  • Shion starts working as a waiter.

  • Mikey kisses Haru while drunk, fueling his delusions. It isn't clear what really happened because he doesn't remember anything and Haru's version of the facts isn't reliable.

  • Reciprocity (fanfic)


Winter - Spring



  • Souya starts working as apprentice at his brother's hair saloon.


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Ink Blossoms

General info
(Tap character's name to go to their section)

  • Relationships chart FINALLY here! I hope i didn't forget anything sjdgdkd
    Color coding:
    🖤 Hate
    💙 Siblings/Family
    💚 Friendship
    🧡 Queerplatonic
    ❤️ Romantic
    💜 ??! ::!,?!???? (Individual notes on the chart because we're all confused here)

  • //nsfw
    Also the "They fucked" chart because i know my audience 🫡

Hanma, Chifuyu

Art by @/cy_shion on twitter ♡

  • Shuji's nickname as the Reaper/God of dead is still a thing here! They gave it to him jokingly because he works a lot with flower compositions for funerals.

  • The name of his flowers shop is "Orandakaiu Parlour" (Calla lily's name in Japan)

  • He talks with plants A LOT. Treats them gently and tells them stories, insults the bitchy ones (because honestly some plants really deserve it), talks with them about his day and whatever remarkable happened. He shows a more soft side of his personality when he's alone in the shop after closure, taking good care of them. Definitely treats plants better than he treats people 🧍 with rare exceptions, if he nicknames someone after a flower rest assured that's a very special person to him.

  • One of Shuji's favorite flowers is the calla lily, that is also his shop's logo, representing both life and death.

  • His Sin and Punishment tattoos were made by Chifuyu!

  • The first time him and Fuyu meet is when Shuji walks in asking to get his hands tattooed (an excuse to spend time with Chifuyu and getting to know him after he got his attention and interest)

  • Chifuyu moves into a new studio right in front of Shuji's flower shop, on the other side of the road, he doesn't know him yet neither did he saw who owns that shop but finds it funny that they're so close while so different (he's so gonna regret renting that place)

  • Chifuyu's sleeve tattoo represents daffodils (Winter's signature flower, recalling his name), carps swimming upstream (determination) and chrysantemums (beauty, warding off evil spirits)

  • Knowing flowers language, Shuji recognizes Chifuyu's tattoo meaning and starts annoying him ON PURPOSE.

  • He spends the entire session flirting and teasing him, with Chifuyu trying SO HARD to stay professional and refrain from shoving the machine in Shu's throat to make him shut. the. fuck. up. He takes a breath of relief once they're done, just to discover that Shuji owns EXACTLY the flower shop on the other side of the road (F for Fuyu's sanity and rip his tranquility)

  • Shu sends him flowers everyday with contrasting meanings (insults and love declarations at the same time) that Chifuyu accepts and keeps "only because they look pretty in his studio and he's not paying for them anyways"

  • They have silly "oh you wanna kiss me so bad" fights everytime they're both outside for a cigarette break. Shuji NEVER wastes a chance to tease him.

  • Chifuyu tries to be the worst version of himself to make Shuji give up hitting on him, but it backfires everytime because it's making Shu even more interested, he finds it enternaining...

  • Chifuyu "I'm gonna be rude on purpose while tattooing you to make you shut up" Matsuno and Hanma "I will moan to annoy you but also because -jokes on you- I like it" Shuji. That's it, that's the dynamic.

  • Shuji hides Fuyu's stuff either in his studio or his own shop for fun, and he's always ready to welcome him with a smug face whenever Fuyu breaks in FUMING because he can't find his bike's keys anywhere and he KNOWS perfectly who the culprit is. Shu shakes his head and claims himself innocent, blaming it on the "evil" calla lilies on his desk (the keys laying on the soil at the base of the plant).

  • The plant's name is Valhalla btw, affectionately nicknamed Val🧍

  • The ONE day he's genuinely innocent, Fuyu enters in Shu's shop after closure time and surprises him in the back while he's complimenting a monstera's new leaf.

  • As apology he offers him a drink at Kisaki's bar (which is at the end of the road, not too far from their shops). Curious about flower meanings, he asks Shuji which flowers he thinks match Baji's and Tora's personalities (double checking on Google to be sure he's not lying gskdgd) to tattoo them along his family one at the center of his chest, that is reserved for important people in his life.

  • Later on he adds a calla lily too, without telling him 🤫

Art by @/Lucifugousart on tumblr

  • Very important info everyone (me) was waiting for: Fuyu has nipple piercings. Thank you. Shuji can have a tongue piercing, as a treat.

  • Both Shu's and Fuyu's piercings were made by Baji (he did Fuyu's nipples as birthday gift 🎁)

  • About Shuji's tongue piercing:

Art by @/ladsofsorrow on twitter ♡

  • As mentioned in the chart, Shuji is an unaware demiromantic who never experienced romantic attraction for anyone until Chifuyu became part of his life. To better explain the meaning behind his piercing choice, it's necessary to dig a little into his past relationships.
    Little fucker has never successfully committed to (1) one partner for more than a couple of months, breaking up first or getting dumped out of frustration. We have a long list of broken hearts and what is, in his eyes, the proof that every relationship he might get into is inevitably fated to end horribly.
    So he convinced himself he was simply unable to love (at least not in a way that the other person could accept and/or understand)
    With such a record it's obvious why at first he was reluctant to get closer to Chifuyu, afraid to ruin everything once again and lose him - and by consequence, all the attempts at 'turning a situationship into something serious' are constantly self sabotaged for the fear of commitment.
    Black roses in a relationship depict longing, heartbreak and the inherent unhappiness of a tragic romance, acting kinda like a warning and stating the possibility of unacceptable decisions being taken (if not the unwillingness to be together). They are the emblem of an incomplete, unfulfilled and a disastrous love life, expressing the bittersweet feelings in parting and wishing the other person to begin a new onset after a breakup. Aware that every relationship he might get into will fail, he mourns in advance what he thinks he'll never have with Chifuyu - black roses being a sign of grieving since the Victorian era, but looking at it under a more positive lens they also stand as a love that is eternal, beyond death.
    Being carnal desires another common meaning, we could say Shuji kisses his hookups goodbye considering the tongue placement, and extends as a promise that what they have is never - and never will become - something serious. It's simply just sex.
    Speaking of which, considering the death association of the flower, it also communicates that's 'a tongue that kills', referring to la petite mort. (I hate him. I hate him so much)
    Black roses also symbolize a rebellious spirit, freedom, confidence, determination, strength, revenge, passion, change and new beginnings.

  • I already mentioned that both Fuyu and Hanma smoke: Hanma besides tobacco also occasionally smokes herbs he grows (some help with headache, insomnia, anxiety, have calming effects, help sore muscles etc.. Depending on situations.) (Yes, in case needed for plot giggles, there are aphrodisiac herbs 💃 Damiana and roses are some horny mfs)

  • No illecit substance users and no, Hanma can't grow weed on his own or he'll go to jail

  • Not wanting to tell Shu directly, to avoid his stupid smug face, Fuyu left a spare key of his apartment in Val's pot with his address scribbled on a paper note. When asked for an explanation he blames the plant.

  • Shu's inner debate on whether should he let his hair grow because "Fuyu might like it more" or not.

  • "Both Baji and Tora have long hair.... Mmmmhh....."

  • He will cave in later on, keeping it in a messy man bun while he works. Fuyu likes to stick field flowers in it when they hang out during summer days.

Art by @/Lucifugousart on tumblr

  • He makes little rings with the flowers Fuyu picked for him because "every single one is precious, but even more if it was chosen by him" (proceeds making fun of him for blushing)

(Leave me alone, i remembered i did these with the flowers my students picked for me during breaks and i had to shove it in the AU for free serotonin)

  • When extremely bored and in the mood to create problems on purpose, Shu goes to the host club where Ryu works to be served by him and ruin his day. They also serve Inupi and Koko's cakes and pastries, which are without doubt the best around (his fav is the rose mille crepes)

  • Other bits of info (tap to read full-size):

Aestethic inspo:

Baji, Kazutora

  • Baji takes advantage of Chifuyu's studio to do piercings safely, sterilization and hygiene wise. He's skilled but not a paid professional, so he does them very occasionally just for fun, just for his friends.

  • He has a vertical barbell brow he did himself! He also did Chifuyu's, Tora's and Sanzu's ear piercings, and under some awkward circumstances he did Hanma's tongue one (Hanma thought Fuyu was the one doing them, then boom surprise: Baji)

Art by @/Lucifugousart on tumblr

  • Both Baji and Tora are quite chaotic in their art. Tora would start sketching on any surface accessible whenever he gets hit with inspiration, being it their studio's furniture, walls or his and Baji's own bodies (whatever is closer in that moment). He might start on his own arm and continue on Baji's while holding his hand as if he was the canvas extension, and so on. The majority of his most impactful illustrations are usually the result of ideas fleshed out in intimacy. He mostly works with inks and limited color palette: black, red and gold. (ref. Kiran Patel)

  • Baji has a similar but not exactly the same creative process. He's also kind of aggressive and raw in the way he portrays concepts and emotions, and experiments a lot with techniques, playing with layers and fire (think as ref. auto-destructive art, Agostino Arrivabene and Henrik Aa. Uldalen)

  • In short: their art studio could be considered an artwork itself. Everything is sacrificable, mutable and constantly offering new inspiration in a constant cycle of (de)creation.

  • Baji and Tora first met at an exhibition of budding artists Tora was participating in (he insulted Tora's work)

  • Other bits of info (tap to read full-size):


  • Kisaki and Shuji are very close childhood friends, he's also probably the only one that can tolerate Shuji's bullshit without wanting to strangle him right away (he had YEARS to get used to it). They insult each other as a form of love, don't mind it. Also Kisaki is /that/ bitch, asking for "fuck you" bouquets.

  • He often orders the passive aggressive/insult flower compositions from Shuji to place them on Michi's favorite table (Michi does't know flower meanings and just thinks it's cute and nice)

  • Kisaki is praised for the high quality of his coffee and his abilities as a barista, but he will silently judge everybody's drink choices and refuse to prepare anything he doesn't consider acceptable (he could never work at Starbucks gjfjjf). Would and WILL spit in your drink if you're rude or he simply doesn't like you.

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Inupi, Kokonoi

  • They've been in a situationship during their studies in Osaka, living together to split the rent. Koko refused to call it "being friends with benefits" and they never discussed it again, simply accepting things as they were.

  • Koko has never been good at expressing his feelings, especially when he was young and struggling with internalized homophobia. Took him a long time to accept his bisexuality, especially after realizing his feelings for Inupi.

  • This will impact negatively on communication, leading to the big fight they had after Inupi discovered of Koko's plans to move in Europe after graduation. They've always shared everything, so him hiding it from Inupi felt like a betrayal.

  • Even after parting ways, Inupi didn't get into other relationships.

  • Koko genuinely didn't know the bakery he applied for to be hired was Inupi's. After coming back in Japan and despite his strong feelings, he purposely didn't try to look for him for fear of his reaction and rejection.

  • While working together before clarifying things up, he was extremely jealous of Takemichi and Chifuyu. For some time he even thought Takemichi and Inupi had something going on, which created some friction between the two until the misunderstanding was clarified.

  • Kokonoi "when you can't say it, write it on a cake" Hajime and his apology cupcakes and flour messages on the counter

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Ran, Rindou

Art by @/Lucifugousart on tumblr

  • Ran takes care of the club's bar personally. He also secretly plays a shots game while working:
    One shot for every Long Island he has to make
    Two shots for every Rin's failed attempt at flirting by putting on specific music
    Three shots whenever he has to serve Sanzu until he gets drunk.

  • Alchool tolerance:
    For Ran: 3 shots and he starts laughing at anything, 9 shots and he's out shdgxk
    For Sanzu: depends on what and how he orders. Normally 2 cocktails in a row are enough, but it'll take more (4/5) if he lets pass a lot of time between them (talking hours). Which is why Ran needs to knock himself out lmao

  • He shows off his bartending abilities at any given chance (Rin hates it, especially when it takes 5 minutes to finally get his drink)

  • Haruchiyo 🤝 Rindou
    Deluding themselves that keeping their hair similar to their crushes' crush they might have more chances
    >Rindou has a similar haircut to Mikey's and refuses to dye his hair a different color no matter how many times his brother asks him to match

  • Other bits of info (tap to read full-size):


  • Sanzu plays cello for MIKEY. Mikey only. Doesn't fucking care that Draken is included, he cuts him out of his fantasy when he plays, imagining it's just him and his muse. Definitely not good at working in a team but his talent is undeniable so everyone tries to tolerate him.

  • He aims to be the absolute best to be worthy of playing for Mikey, to match his perfection, he's elevated on a pedestal and idolized by Sanzu so much he doesn't care if he personally gets bad critiques (he's gonna take it as a push to do better, he HAS TO do better for his singer), but certainly won't react good to anyone criticizing Mikey or offending him. He got kicked out from a theater after beating up a staff member after hearing them calling Mikey "mid".

  • Sanzu took private tutoring lessons and his teacher was Baji's mom, so they know each other since childhood. He later gets introduced to Mikey by Baji (as they still grew up together). They're around their 20s when they start working together, Mikey was looking for someone to play for him after his previous cellist dumped him (poor guy couldn't stand his personality any longer)

  • Sanzu and Senju have the classic love-hate sibling relationship here. He doesn't have the scars, since the canon events that caused them didn't happen!

  • He's living on his own! He managed to get his own place after he started working for Mikey, sometimes Senju drops there for a couple of days/weekend when she can't no longer stand Takeomi back at home (it's like her refuge, she's the only using the guests room so far)

  • He practices mostly at home, but before important concerts he goes to a studio to be 100% sure he won't be interrupted in any way and fully immerse himself, also because it's the only place where occasionally Mikey would join him to practice his singing (it's rare, but Sanzu always looks forward to it since he'd get to spend time together just the two of them - yes he still completely ignores Draken's there too, totally erased from HIS VISION)

  • Haruchiyo 🤝 Rindou
    Deluding themselves that keeping their hair similar to their crushes' crush they might have more chances
    >Haru always keeps his hair down, especially when he's alone with Mucho, but when there's the chance that Mikey might be around he ties them up like Draken

Art by @/Lucifugousart on tumblr

  • Other bits of info (tap to read full-size):

Mikey, Draken

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Art by @/Lucifugousart on tumblr

  • Mucho plays solo concerts or duets with Sanzu! His original compos don't really require vocals and when he's not playing his own pieces he still prefers impro, so it's unlikely for him to partner with singers UNLESS it's Sanzu asking him to, when he insists he can't say no...


  • Song he heard played on cello by Sanzu btw 🥰 because they practice in the same studio

  • Other bits of info (tap to read full-size):


  • When they go out for drinks, Takemichi is always the first to go tipsy/drunk, he's a lightweight but as a teacher he needs it to survive (Trust me on this one, as an ex teacher. We had hidden wine in the staffroom, meets after work at the bar, one of my closest friends is also a bartender and another one couldn't survive without red wine while correcting finals. Teachers and alcohol go together. Always)


  • Ran's trusted designer, they quickly became very close friends. They can rarely keep it professional when it's just the two of them in Taka's studio.

  • Regularly hangs out with Ran either at his club or his own house, he invites him over for movie nights because Rin refuses to watch anything involving the slightest bit of romance with his brother.

  • He's Rindou's biggest supporter with his music, has a soft spot for him platonically like he's his own little brother. Very caring and kind.

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Nahoya, Souya

  • Nahoya is the Haitani's fav hairdresser, they're regular customers.

  • Souya joins him as his apprentice later, meeting Rindou for the first time after an unfortunate one-sided love adventure that Rin wants to forget by drastically change his hair (It's Sanzu. The unfortunate one-sided love adventure is Sanzu, he wasn't exactly sober and mistaken Rin for Mikey. Things went down really badly from there 🧍 Especially for Ran and his sleep schedule, having to deal with his heartbroken brother)

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Shinichiro, Benkei, Wakasa

  • -

Izana, Kakucho

  • Izana collects rare copies of literature classics, restoring old damaged books. His shop kinda looks like "Acqua Alta" (Venezia), so think huuugeee piles of books everywhere and unconventional stuff used as bookshelf. Quite the vintage aesthetic, loves to spend time reading in his shop (literally anywhere, who needs chairs, every surface can be chair).

  • Sometimes he falls asleep in the books and Kakucho has to dig him out.

  • The bookstore's name is Tenjiku!

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  • In his library, Naoto occasionally organizes projections about space on the ceiling of the central round reading room, moving the tables to the sides to place pillows and blankets. They happen twice a month, once in the afternoon for kids and schools, and once in the evening. Sometimes he also makes lectures on specific topics based on reader's suggestions. He lets Fuyu stay overtime and have private projections, especially when he needs a quiet place to spend time alone (he trusts Fuyu enough to give him a copy of the library's keys and enter freely)

  • Naoto had a crush on him for the longest time but never confessed (and doesn't plan to, he simply accepts their friendship and is content with what they have)

  • He also never likes any of Fuyu's hookups and copes with very sharp sarcasm.

  • They're all drinkers except for Naoto, he doesn't even like the taste of beer. On the other hand he gets to witness and remember all the shit his friends do under the effects of alcohol.


  • When extremely bored and in the mood to create problems on purpose, Shu goes to the host club where Ryu works to be served by him and ruin his day.

  • Shuji purposely acts insufferable and they spend the whole time aggressively flirting through threats, but he's actually his fav customer because Ryu gets to be a total bitch and getting paid for it.

  • They have a very weird relationship because they're not friends but act like they are while saying the most deranged shit, mostly because (even if none of them is dating Fuyu) Shu is very annoyed by how Ryu acts with him... He has never felt jealousy in his entire life and doesn't know how to deal with it —> they both threaten each other with a good time.


  • Adding Shion to the mix, standing in the background menacingly, with 0 plot relevance, giving us nothing like in canon, simply because I LOVE HIM OK.

  • He works as a waiter in a restaurant but dreams to be a writer, admires Izana and tries to spend as much free time as possible at his bookstore. Rindou's best friend, hypes him up and bullies him in equal measure. He's banned from Ran's bar due to a smaaall 🤏 lil accident (got drunk and punched every customer refusing to hear him brag about his own novel)(He can't even write it, it's all in his head)

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